The latest week (October 19, 2014-October 25, 2014) United Kingdom gamesales rankings have been released. A new ranking this week, the FIFA 15 hasdominated the top spot for five straight weeks.Glinting in the FIFA-15This week's new novel, Angel witch hunt 2 United Kingdom starting in 7thplace, because Wii u in the United Kingdom is not the player preferences, sorelative to its platform game sales is limited. Also, moving depending on of small Rungs sent Luo hunting team by last week of 11th name barely squeeze top ten list, evil spirit attached body declined 1 bit, fate Shang, 3 bit, leapt 4th name, and no main of to: Qian biography and limit racing: horizon 2 more last week are declined 3 bit, which Xbox exclusive made limit racing: horizon 2 has dropped 8th name.The Angel witch hunt 2-hair Bedouin elder sisterWorth noting
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